项目坐落于英格兰多塞特郡被列为二级保护遗产的Stanbridge Mill农场中,曾是农场外围建筑群中的一栋。本项目中主要改造的建筑是一座美丽的乔治亚风格乡村农屋,屋前流淌着一条浅浅的河流,河流的尽头是一座保存完好的水磨房。这里曾是农场的牛棚,四十多年来一直用于储存农业机械和园艺用具。
The new library is set in a group of out-buildings within the curtilage of the Grade II listed Stanbridge Mill Farm in Dorset. The main house is a beautifully converted Georgian farm house with a shallow river running beneath to turn a well-preserved water mill. The library building was originally a cow-shed but had been used for storage of farm machinery and garden maintenance equipment for over forty years.
▼项目外观,exterior appearance of the library ©Ingrid Rasmussen
▼主入口,entrance of the library ©Ingrid Rasmussen
Crawshaw Architects were asked to design an ambitious conversion that would transform this un- loved out-building into somewhere fabulous that would attract frequent use and bring the previously narrow, poorly-lit farm building into service as a library and office, not least to house a private collection of books, including a section of historic books on Palladian architecture. While a decisive transformation of the interior was called for, we felt that the original use of the building needed to be part of the story.
▼由办公室看图书馆部分,viewing the library from the office ©Ingrid Rasmussen
The high nave and pair of aisles are in the form of a classical library, but are set out in the register of the original building using the materials and construction techniques of traditional farm carpentry and metal-work- making possible a degree of analogy between the old and the new uses. The structural interventions are limited to the removal of two of the original wooden trusses which have been replaced with laminated wooden portal-frames in order to stabilise the external walls and to make way for the barrel-vaulted nave. Three new conservation-style roof lights interrupt the vault to provide natural light to the book-stacks. The floor in the library has been partially dug out by hand and lowered by two feet.
▼图书馆空间概览,overall of the main hall of the library ©Ingrid Rasmussen
Space effect of central arcade under different light ©Ingrid Rasmussen
▼中央拱廊两侧的书架与阅读空间,Bookshelves and reading spaces on either side of the central arcade ©Crawshaw Architects
▼天窗与原有的开窗提供了充足的自然光线,Skylights and existing windows provide plenty of natural light ©Ingrid Rasmussen
The vault, bookshelves, tables and chairs are all made of the same oak material ©Crawshaw Architects
▼人工照明下的阅读空间,Reading space under artificial light ©Crawshaw Architects
The vault, columns, shelves, tables and seating are made of the same solid oak planks and sections, deliberately selected to show knots and natural blemishes, and assembled using simple traditional socketed carpentry. The new internal doors and windows match the existing black steel-framed external windows. All the fittings are contemporary but closely related to the original iron frames and fixings.
▼办公室,Office area ©Ingrid Rasmussen
▼玄关,entrance lobby ©Ingrid Rasmussen
▼厨房,kitchen ©Ingrid Rasmussen
▼壁柜,Built-in wardrobe ©Crawshaw Architects
The re-purposing of the existing shell using a wooden structural intervention and natural insulation materials combine to make this project a highly sustainable.
▼墙面以及书架细部,detail of the wall and the bookshelf ©Ingrid Rasmussen
▼平面图,plan ©Crawshaw Architects
▼整体剖面图,section ©Crawshaw Architects
▼图书馆部分剖面图,section of the library ©Crawshaw Architects
▼拱廊剖面图,section of the arcade ©Crawshaw Architects
▼厨房部分剖面图,section of the kitchen ©Crawshaw Architects
Location:Stanbridge Mill, Wimbourne, Dorset
Design Team: Pandora Dourmisi, Aidan Crawshaw
Structural Engineer: Hardman Structural Engineers
Contractor: CanDo Constructions ltd
Photography: Ingrid Rasmussen