
Las Americas是墨西哥Leon市一项垂直住宅的开发原型。该住房项目旨在对抗城市不受控制的扩张,并对城市复兴和改善低收入社区生活质量起到催化作用。

Las Americas is a prototype for the development of vertical dwellings in the city of Leon, Mexico. The housing project aims to offset the city’s unchecked sprawl, serving as a catalyst for urban regeneration and improved quality of life in low-income communities.

▼鸟瞰,Bird’s eye view © Iwan Baan


Traditional notions of homeownership currently lock developments into becoming acres of identical free-standing homes in remote areas far from the economic center. Extensive municipal utilities expansion and expensive transportation programs have led to a decline in the region’s economy, and a loss of critical density within Leon.

▼周边街道环境,Sorrounding context © Iwan Baan

设计团队与Imuvi Development和Leon市政府合作,重新思考该市的住房模式,并开发出了一个既具有成本效益又能鼓励租户体验与独立单元住宅一样舒适的垂直住宅模式。

We worked with Imuvi Development and the City of Leon to rethink housing models in the city and develop a structure that would be both cost-effective and encourage tenants to experience vertical dwellings as appealing as their freestanding single-family counterparts.

▼从附近的球场看向该项目,View of the housing from a nearby field © Iwan Baan


Our project creates 60 condo units as a vertical housing block at the city’s center. The design maximizes the plot’s buildable footprint and generates two interior courtyards that provide cross ventilation to each unit, with parking and a commercial base.

▼住宅内部庭院,The interior courtyards © Lorena Darquea

▼站在单侧走廊看向内部庭院,Standing in the one-side corridor looking towards the interior courtyard © Iwan Baan


Resonant of the traditional home’s sense of privacy, no two units face one another. Units are arranged in a single-loaded corridor to face the courtyard and provide views out to the neighborhood, promoting the sense of private homeownership.

▼从庭院内部看向露台,View from the courtyard to the terrace © Lorena Darquea

▼露台,The terrace © Lorena Darquea


A facade assembled of uniquely developed concrete blocks enhance privacy and shading, generate a unique interior atmosphere, and lend character to the building exterior. The project is designed with shared utility cores and prefabricated components to accommodate an extremely limited budget.

▼特殊开发的混凝土立面,Uniquely developed concrete facade © Lorena Darquea

▼混凝土立面细部,Details of concrete facade © Iwan Baan

▼项目模型,model © SO-IL

▼项目区位,site plan © SO-IL

▼二层平面图,second floor plan © SO-IL

▼立面构造细节图,detail of block wall view on floor © SO-IL

  • 前天
  • 作者:Studio XM
  • 6 0
Prostyle 札幌宫之森,阶梯式住宅群落
  • 前天
  • 作者:隈研吾都市设计事务所
  • 6 0