


Nestled along the picturesque eastern coastline of Shantou City in Guangdong Province lies a captivating coastal high-rise residence. This is where a young couple lives in. In their spare time, the couple enjoys savoring tea and immersing themselves in a tranquil atmosphere. The design of the building combines the house’s mesmerizing sea views with ever-changing natural light, highlighting the intimate bond between people and the environment. Embracing “the little island” as its core concept, the design conjures up a dreamy maritime bolt-hole where the essence of space takes precedence over decorative styles.

This innovative project reimagines residential design by weaving an island into the interior, forging a deep connection between people and nature while cultivating a romantic ambiance between the clouds and the sea. One can envision the residents’ enchanting daily life on this “little island”: Morning coffee at the sea-view bar, afternoon reading in the sun on the back of a cow, paddling at sunset until the sunset glow recedes and enjoying a movie for two in the evening, leaning against the shore with the sea breeze.

▼室内空间概览,Overall view © Boris Shiu


Through gracefully dissolving the boundaries between private and public spaces, the design fosters a uniquely engaging experience throughout daily life,allowing the residents to choose a different experience at any given time. Within the comfort of their own home, residents can savor the laid-back atmosphere of a beach vacation, capturing the essence of relaxation and connection to nature that the design aspires to achieve.

▼入口玄关处,Entrance hall © Boris Shiu


The layout of the home features a raised living room as the “island” for public activities (immersing in movies, indulging in books, and savoring tea) and a sunken living room that takes advantage of the difference in floor level. Encircling the “island” lie a welcoming open kitchen-dining area and serene private bedrooms. The floor plan weaves seamlessly with the ocean, forging an exquisite union between indoor and outdoor realms.

▼像岛屿般的客厅,Living room like an island © Boris Shiu

设计过程中尝试让材料发挥它们的温度属性以此来描写空间的精神隐喻:瓷砖温度如同大海般沁凉,松软的地毯像是被太阳烤过的沙滩。赤脚去感受“海水”与“沙子”两种反差质感带来的心灵抚慰, 在“沙滩”上留下生活的足迹。墙面采用定制砂岩艺术漆,阳光下白色沙石墙面闪耀出矿石晶体,仿佛像外墙材料一样,让人产生一种在户外的错觉。整个项目通过从自然环境到室内空间和家具的思考,传达出设计对生活方式的塑造力,以及突破传统住宅模式的创造力。

Throughout the design process, materials have been thoughtfully chosen to exude their inherent warmth, crafting a poetic spiritual metaphor within the space: the cool embrace of ceramic tiles evokes the sea, while plush carpets conjure sun-kissed beaches. Barefoot, one can revel in the contrasting textures of “sea water” and ”sand”, etching footprints of life on the “beach”. Bespoke sandstone art paint graces the walls, shimmering like mineral crystals in the sunlight and conjuring the illusion of being outdoors. This project eloquently showcases the transformative power of design in shaping lifestyles and transcending traditional residential paradigms through meticulous consideration of the natural environment, interior spaces, and furnishings.

▼客厅处的高差设计,Height difference design in the living room © Boris Shiu

Enchanting Island Retreat


Upon entering the mesmerizing island abode, a beautifully scaled-down tea boat captivates your senses. Its gracefully curved silhouette and artfully inclined placement disrupt the symmetry of the original architectural structure, transforming the entrance into an alluring decorative element. The elevated platform generates ample space beneath the tea boat, ensuring the tea table’s comfort for everyday use.
The sunken living room unveils a captivating layering of space, as the sculptural platform melds seamlessly with the sofa. Echoing the coastal theme, the choice of side tables complements this inviting atmosphere. The cabinet door handles, inspired by the rings of a tree, have been meticulously crafted by the designer, exclusively for this project, adding an elegant touch of nature’s beauty.

▼像船只一样的茶桌,Scaled-down tea boat © Boris Shiu

▼茶桌细部,Details of the tea boat © Boris Shiu

牛椅是什作设计(TEN DESIGN)的原创家具,灵感来源于毕加索《公牛》,将平面线条画立体化,将艺术画作转译为触手可及的生活家具。椅子的金属框架继承并延展了原作的立体主义抽象曲线,玻璃纤维材质的异形曲面椅面和软金属配件让椅子的动态造型与空间主题形成呼应,让椅子在空间中不同视觉角度能展示“牛”迥异的姿态效果,呈现牛散步于岸边的意境。

The “Bull Chair”, an original creation by TEN DESIGN, draws inspiration from Picasso’s “Bull”, transforming flat line drawings into three-dimensional artistry and rendering art as tangible, everyday furniture. The chair’s metal frame extends the abstract curves of the original piece, while the glass fiber material and soft metal accessories synergize to produce a dynamic form that resonates with the room’s theme. From varying visual angles within the space, the chair unveils a diverse range of “Bull” postures, conjuring an idyllic scene of cows leisurely strolling along the shore.

▼牛椅,The “Bull Chair” © Boris Shiu



A tender sea breeze whispers from west to east, casting ripples across the ceiling. Within this minimalist space, the ceiling appears to have been gently “lifted”, its light and shadow dancing in harmony with the day’s progression. The wall-mounted TV seamlessly melds with the pristine wall, maintaining the room’s enchanting elegance while inviting leisurely indulgence. Resting on the “shoreline”, a charming wooden boat invites you to sit, savor tea, and lose yourself in the vastness of the sea. Traditional tea room conventions are reimagined, using furniture shapes to evoke a laid-back, beach-side atmosphere. Lovingly handpicked by the homeowner from the shoreline, each stone beside the tea boat possesses its unique story.

Enveloped in gray rock slab countertops, white wax wood, and carbonized wood, the dining area exudes a leisure seaside ambiance. The furniture’s aged metal fittings bear the marks of time, as if eroded by the relentless caress of the sea.

▼用餐空间,Dining area © Boris Shiu


The kitchen ceiling is adorned with artful paint, evoking sunrays piercing through the layers of clouds. The design discreetly conceals appliances, incorporating hidden refrigerators and dishwashers, and built-in range hoods, harmonizing daily practicality with visual elegance. The kitchen’s captivating sea-view bar appears suspended in the sky, bridging the sea and the interior, creating an intimate connection with nature.

▼厨房,Kitchen © Boris Shiu

▼厨房旁的悬空观海吧台,The captivating sea-view bar © Boris Shiu


Passing through the living area corridor,there lies a versatile nook, serving as an open reading space or transforming into a secluded guest bedroom with a fold-down bed and sliding doors. This compact space masterfully balances functionality with a grand aura, while the engaging circulation contributes to the home’s enchanting allure. Curved walls adorned with printed wood veneer conjure images of gently swaying seaweed. The sea breeze whispers across the ceiling and this “seaweed”, while an old chair silently awaits a storyteller, lending an air of intrigue to the transitional space.

▼多功能小空间,The versatile nook © Boris Shiu

Enchantment of the Seaside Home


The island serves as a haven for family bonding, while the sea provides a tranquil place for personal rejuvenation. The alluring wave-inspired walls, cavernous stone chandeliers, rustic burl wood cabinets, and cozy bonfires evoke the serenity of a seaside escape. In the master bedroom, the walls are adorned with a “velvet” art paint that imparts a delicate softness to the headboard backdrop. The undulating wall design gracefully delineates the sleeping area from the bathroom, striking a balance between openness and privacy.

▼卧室,Bedroom © Boris Shiu

▼浴室,Bathroom © Boris Shiu

▼开放式卫生间,The open-plan bathroom © Boris Shiu

▼家具设计,Furniture design © Boris Shiu


The bathtub is strategically placed by the window, forming an unobstructed, panoramic view of the ocean. As you immerse yourself in a warm bath, the enchanting coastal nightscape unfolds before your eyes. Now, ignite the fireplace and surrender to complete relaxation. The open-plan bathroom embraces a clever four-separation layout, visually amplifying the expanse of the master bedroom.

▼平面图,plan © TEN DESIGN

设计方:什作设计 TEN DESIGN
设计团队:什作设计 TEN DESIGN

  • 前天
  • 作者:Studio XM
  • 6 0
Prostyle 札幌宫之森,阶梯式住宅群落
  • 前天
  • 作者:隈研吾都市设计事务所
  • 6 0