The“classical principles”extracted from the classical style has evolved to the present when modernity is in a leading position. However, the hidden, inner order that forms a magnetic attraction has always existed and perceived by us. It is like a“seed”with tenacious vitality, from which sprouting the concept of“abstract geometry”about architecture, structure, material, and spatial form. And then to develop a specific construction method based on certain site.
▼项目概览,overall of the project © 贺川
01. 幽而隐谧
concealed and still
对于BOSMIA 波西米亚来说,位于长沙湘江西岸的滨江店是一次全新的身份展示,以18000㎡的体量建构了品牌旗下首个文化艺术综合体。密斯·凡·德·罗曾认为“结构是像逻辑一样的东西”,缜密、清晰、有迹可循,这种论述也同样适用于具体的建筑形态,远观之下,纵横排布的线性建筑外立面于高楼林立的都市之中呈现出独特的表皮肌理。
For BOSMIA, the Binjiang store located on the west bank of the Xiangjiang River in Changsha, is a brand-new identity display, constructing the brand’s first cultural and artistic complex with a volume of 18,000 square meters. Mies van der Rohe believed that “structure is like logic”, which is meticulous, clear, and traceable. This point of view is also applicable to specific architectural forms. Seen from a distance, the criss-cross linear facades of the building presenting a unique skin texture in the city.
▼一层主入口,1F main entrance © 贺川
As the independent entrance of the brand, the combination of the door and the image display constitutes the basic characteristics of the enclosed “preface hall”. Creating a subtle, pure, and art museum style atmosphere to welcome customer’s visit. Stepping up the stairs, the dynamic situation of outdoor crowds, noisy streets and bright light instantly transforms into a static and concealed space status. In order to solve the imbalance of the vertical elevator layout, a slanted wall grows out of the ground,breaking the standard of the central axis and establishing an asymmetrical balance.
▼主入口近景,closer view of the 嗯突然岑 © 贺川
▼“序厅”,“preface hall” © 贺川
02. 个体记忆
the individual memory
Unlike space, which has multiple dimensions, time is irreversible and unidirectional. Although we have grown up and left the homeland, those memories of home have never been forgotten,lingering on everyone’s mind. So, the soil evolves into a concrete carrier of abstract memories in the space. Take the elevator to the third floor, the“soil box” and “soil facade” showing in different space, vaguely reappearing the individual memory which has become more and more profound as time goes by.
▼前厅接待及艺术走廊,reception and arts corridor © 贺川
In order to make the walls come to life and become part of the space volume, it is necessary to rediscover the aesthetic value of the pure surface. The walls are arranged evenly on both sides of the main traffic flow, establish a ritual language of “sequence”. Light passes through the curtain wall and projects on the ground, adding vivid natural light and shadow to the simple ground. The reception area becomes a impressive welcome area by the precise construction of the form, also as the most popular background for indoor shooting.
▼接待区,reception © 贺川
▼匀质排布的片墙建立了“序列”的仪式语言,the walls are arranged evenly on both sides of the main traffic flow, establish a ritual language of “sequence” © 贺川
▼艺术IP雕塑,Art IP sculpture © 贺川
The conversion relationship between artworks and viewers has always been the focus of exploration by aesthetic theorists. Solidified, dynamic or instant art forms will have richer meanings due to people’s participation.The opening visual immersion area seems to “waste”some space, but it provides another new possibility for the interaction and expression of art. Different theme activities change from time to time, which makes the single space flexible and has multiple functions such as galleries and art exhibitions.
▼三层艺术IP区,3F Art IP zone © 贺川
03. 有机秩序
organic order
Step to the inside, the rhythm of the space changes from asymmetrical to ordered, and the central axis gradually emerges. Based on the column network in the frame structure, the columns are hidden in the wall to form a stable and solid facade. And the open walls correspond to each other. Three simple, elegant and concise solid wood booths become the visual focus of the space. In addition to being used as countertops for daily mounting work, they can also be used to display albums and show vivid image moments to customers.
▼由走廊看沉浸式展览区,viewing the immersive exhibition area from the corridor © 贺川
▼三层沉浸式展览区,3F Immersive exhibition area © 贺川
▼雕塑般的座椅,Sculptural seat © 贺川
Enclosed selection area and reception area with the same structure and shape construct an independent territory, which is convenient to private communication and contract signing. Corresponding to the open walls, Reeds swarming with each other high and low appearing in the vision. This special Installation creates a beautiful opposite scenery. With the rendering of lights, as the pastoral life far away from the city and the old memory emerge, visitors will have an emotional resonance in it.
▼三层装裱艺术区,3F Mounting Art area © 贺川
▼芦苇荡出现在视觉的中心,Reeds swarming with each other high and low appearing in the vision © 贺川
▼三层接单区,3F retail area © 贺川
04. 人生秀场
The show of life
Bei Dao once wrote a special poem called “Life”. There is only one word——“web”, which summarizes the essence of life concisely and powerfully. Family is the smallest unit of complex society. So for most people, marriage is the inevitable choice for their romantic relationship. Since then, the two person began to live together, weaving this happy and huge “ web of life”.
▼二层前厅陈列区,2F Front hall display area © 贺川
Therefore, once the social meaning of“web”was translated into the spatial language used by designers, the material form would present a very unique look. Different from the independent display racks of ordinary from, the dress area on the second floor shows a sense of interweaving and continuity through the overlapping brackets and the mirroring ceiling. In the dim environment, with the projection of lights, the cultural connotation of“web”is deconstructed, and the dress becomes the important display focus.
▼二层婚纱博物馆,2F Wedding Dress Museum © 贺川
▼三层高端礼服区,3F advanced dress section © 贺川
空间的存在意义因品牌精神而发生改变,先锋意识总是能够自主的激发访客的积极探索。涉及婚纱、造型、西装、装裱、手作、展览等多重艺术领域的BOSMIA 波西米亚一直以来尝试通过独特的方式传递“艺术无界”的哲学母题,并希望借此打造一个以影像艺术为核心的全球人像摄影艺术家集合平台。
The meaning of space changes by the spirit of brand. Pioneering consciousness can always inspire the autonomous exploration of visitors. BOSMIA, which involves multiple art fields such as wedding dresses, styling, suits, mountings, handcrafts, and exhibitions, has always been trying to convey the philosophical theme of “art without boundaries”in a unique way, and hopes to create a global portrait photography artist platform focus on video art.
▼彩沙区,colorful dress area © 贺川
▼一层平面图,1F plan ©品界设计
▼二层平面图,2F plan ©品界设计
▼三层平面图,3F plan ©品界设计