Thehuman visual system has only three types of cones, so we are likecolour blindness when we look at the world, compared with othercreatures; While the unique visual system of bird contains four typesof cones that allow them to distinguish a lot more colour; Manyinsects have compound eyes. It consists of a variable number ofommatidia, which is generally hexagonal. For example, the compoundeyes of dragonflies consist of 10,000 to 30,000 ommatidia, and eachommatidium is a small camera that keeps shooting the surroundingobjects to form an image, which can observe things within 6 meters.The installation “POP STAR” comes from the artist’s desire fora kind of transcendental visual system.
▼项目远观,viewingthe project at distance ©黎伟,艾松,李豪
▼项目概览,overallof the project ©黎伟,艾松,李豪
“POPSTAR” is based on the geometric shape of the icosahedron. Throughthe deconstruction of space and the reconstruction of form, theartist finally constructed this “monster” with a huge volume thatexceeds the human visual reading scale, like an alien object flyingin from another dimension of time and space. Viewers could feel theassociation between the “POP STAR” and transcendental theory thatRalph Waldo Emerson said: “The world globes itself in a drop ofdew”, while the artist enlarges a tiny compound eye into abehemoth.
▼装置以正二十面体的几何形体为基础,”POPSTAR” is based on the geometric shape of the icosahedron ©黎伟,艾松,李豪
▼观众可进入中心部位,Spectatorscan enter the central area ©黎伟,艾松,李豪
Spectatorscan enter the central area to look around the fields. In her“abdomen”, she is quiet, dependent, and maternal. While from theoutside he is extremely oppressive, power-hungry, and fatherly. Indifferent spatial relationships, it not only feels like water butalso conveys an ambitious desire at the same time. Among the twocontradictory tensions, the dialectical relationship between motionand static is lost, and the visual senses become a fraud andillusion.
▼由装置内部环看田野四周,lookaround the fields inside the project ©黎伟,艾松,李豪
▼项目细部,detailsof the project ©黎伟,艾松,李豪
“POPSTAR” is in this paradoxical state of perception, which expresses apure form of original power: It is a kind of amplification andextension from instinct. This power is freed from text and narrative,which view the unknown unbounded universe in transcendentalism way.
▼项目鸟瞰效果,illustrationof aerial view of the project ©一本造建筑工作室
▼项目夜景插画效果,illustrationof night view of the project ©一本造建筑工作室
▼人与装置互动场景,illustrationsof the interaction between people and the project ©一本造建筑工作室
▼平面图,plan ©一本造建筑工作室
▼立面图,elevation ©一本造建筑工作室
Projectname: Pop Star
Artist:Li Hao ( One Take Architects )
Curator:Ai Song
Drawing:Wang Xiaoting
Photography:Li Wei, Ai Song, Li Hao
ArtInstallation, 15m*15m*15m
Address:Hengsha Island, Shanghai, China