山脚下住宅 跨越外与内的时间裂痕


The project was meant to create a time gap, passing through the exterior and interiors, from the typical Abruzzo home at the bottom of the mountain to the inner space which is hardly recognizable from its original looks. The interior is a continuous play with shadows and lights, created with the new glass openings and the use of materials which intentionally want to create a strong sense of contrast.

▼远眺住宅,house outlook © Simone Bossi

▼二层临街入口,street side entrance on 2nd floor © Simone Bossi


The chosen planning approach uses a number of strategies: preservation/activation/demolition/integration. The final objective was of getting rid of the temporary stratification, replacing the incongruencies with solutions, without causing much contrast with the surrounding construction. The project has wanted to conserve and reactivate the existent volume of stone by making the existing wall structure evident once again and by making it stand out via the use of contemporary technologies. The pitched roof has been demolished so as not to protrude by the façade anymore and by giving the impression of a mono-material monolith of short distance.

▼临街入口与楼梯间,street side entrance and stairwell © Simone Bossi

▼楼梯间细部,detail of stairwell © Simone Bossi

▼全新材料的运用塑造与外部的强烈反差,new materials create a strong contrast with exterior © Simone Bossi

▼二层客厅概览,overall of living room on 2nd floor © Simone Bossi

▼室内光影游戏,interior play with shadows and lights © Simone Bossi

▼一层厨房,1st floor kitchen © Simone Bossi

▼一层房间及室内卫生间,1st floor bedroom with toilet inside © Simone Bossi

▼交通空间,transport space  © Simone Bossi

▼洗手池细部,detail of wash basin © Simone Bossi

▼建筑原有石墙与远山,previously existed stone volume and distant mountains © Simone Bossi

▼临街立面图,house facade facing street © Andrea Eusebi

▼山谷侧立面图,house facade facing valley © Andrea Eusebi

▼剖面图,section © Andrea Eusebi

▼一层平面图,1F plan © Andrea Eusebi

▼二层平面图,2F plan © Andrea Eusebi

粉滨住宅 钢框架住宅置入多层混凝土地面
  • 2023-03-06
  • 作者:Atelier Loowe Inc.
  • 3 0
切分住宅 塑造城市自然与功能的交织
  • 2023-03-06
  • 作者:Shinsuke Fujii ARCHITECTS
  • 3 0