切分住宅 塑造城市自然与功能的交织


Urban housing for DINKS. The client requested a large DOMA space for a café to be opened in the future. A large window was made on the street side to allow light and air to pass through, while a closed area was created to protect the couple’s privacy from each other, and a tunnel-like open space was created to connect to the city.

▼建筑临街立面,facade facing the street © Tsukui Teruaki

▼被切分后的“剩余空间”,作为室内通高与公共活动区,the split space as interior atrium and living space © Tsukui Teruaki

▼计划未来作为咖啡馆使用的下沉素土地面区域,the DOMA space for a café to be opened in the future © Tsukui Teruaki

▼起居室,living room © Tsukui Teruaki

▼一个燃木壁炉被安装在最低层的素土地面上,以及一个贯穿中庭的烟囱,为整个建筑提供热量,a wood-burning stove is installed in the DOMA floor on the lowest floor, and together with a chimney that penetrates the atrium, it warms the entire building © Tsukui Teruaki

▼从餐厅望向厨房,kitchen viewing from dining space © Tsukui Teruaki

▼从厨房望向餐厅与起居空间,dining space and living room viewing from kitchen © Tsukui Teruaki


The plan also includes a high side on the west side, which does not rely on lighting fixtures that constantly drop natural light into the DOMA space on the first floor, even in a closed residential area. Aiming to minimize the use of air conditioning in the summer, soft light from the high sidelights pours into the earthen floor space, changing in various ways depending on the season and time of day.

▼阳光房,sun room © Tsukui Teruaki

▼在夹层的储藏室,storage room located in mezzanine © Tsukui Teruaki

▼次卧,second bedroom © Tsukui Teruaki

▼住宅主入口,main entrance © Tsukui Teruaki

▼一层平面图,first floor plan © Shinsuke Fujii ARCHITECTS

▼二层平面图,second floor plan © Shinsuke Fujii ARCHITECTS

▼剖面图,section © Shinsuke Fujii ARCHITECTS

村寨别墅 构造完整自洽的内部环境
  • 2023-03-02
  • 作者:壹山设计
  • 2 0