一步一景 微风日式景观住宅

Spiegel Aihara Workshop (SAW)为加州希尔斯堡的一处住宅进行了景观设计,将这处原本拥挤不堪、杂草丛生的院落改造成了一个微风拂面、舒适雅致的日式住宅,通过覆盖新的景观元素,同时保留及复原此前留下的珍贵植物,并开辟新的道路与边界,为住宅提供新的功能。

Spiegel Aihara Workshop (SAW) has designed the landscape for a home in Hillsborough, California, opening up a crowded, overgrown yard into a breezy, Japanese-inspired retreat, restoring and highlighting venerable existing plantings within an overlay of new landscape elements, and carving out new pathways and boundary conditions to serve new functions on the property.

▼项目外观,Exterior ©Mikiko Kikuyama 

▼从内部望向庭院,View from the inside to the yard  ©Mikiko Kikuyama 


▼平面图,Plan ©SAW

The homeowners had recently added a glassy, freestanding ADU to the back of their property in what was previously an underused, fenced-off corner of the property. While the main door to the existing house was once the center of the property, the ADU, functioning as an office and studio, re-oriented the nexus to the outdoor areas between the ADU and main house. SAW worked to create a minimal yet inviting courtyard for the ADU, anchored by an existing, 50-year-old Weeping Maple, which was a surprise discovery amidst the previous overgrowth. Drawing upon a study of the sightlines between the structures, SAW maintained the existing melaleuca trees between the ADU and primary home to maximize privacy into the bedrooms of the main house. A walkway from the ADU to a formal entrance at the back of the property is lined with Japanese Maple.

▼从庭院望向ADU,View from the yard to the ADU ©Mikiko Kikuyama 

▼ADU近景,Detailed view of the ADU ©Mikiko Kikuyama 


▼ADU入口处的日本枫树,The Japanese Maple outside the ADU ©Mikiko Kikuyama 

▼用鹅卵石、蕨类植物和草衬托枫树 ©Mikiko Kikuyama
Using stone pebbles, ferns, and grasses to surround and highlight the maple  

▼从室内望向外部枫树,View from inside to the outside maple tree ©Mikiko Kikuyama 

The majestic Weeping Maple was preserved through careful pruning and protection with a plywood wall during the ADU’s construction. SAW used stone pebbles, ferns, and grasses to surround and highlight the maple, creating a textural landscape for the tree’s twisting trunk and branches and the drape of lacy, serrated leaves that turn a brilliant red in fall. From the interior of the ADU, the tree takes up an expanse of the view from the glass window-wall, providing a striking, sculptural focal point. Beyond the maple, chartreuse lomandra tops a sharp dry-stacked stone wall on the periphery of a grassy plane, contrasting with dark green mondo grass clumping around large boulders. Delicate Dogwood trees float within dainty blooms of Japanese anemones and cape rush reeds at the around the Main House entrance, providing a subtle counterpoint to the drama of the maple at the ADU entrance.

▼枫树及周边近景,Detailed view of  the maple and surrounding  ©Mikiko Kikuyama


In addition to relocating the center of the property, the landscape architecture also serves to re-negotiate boundary conditions. The homeowners also own the adjacent property, which they rent to tenants, and the two homes share a driveway and fence containing two separate entrances, one to the walkway that leads to the ADU, and one to the adjoining tenant property. Certain plantings, including Chinese Elms, Japanese Maple, Tree Ferns, Giant Chain Ferns, and Lomandra Grass, spill out over the new, slatted front fence, also designed by SAW, creating continuity and suggesting a relationship between the neighboring homes, as well as an inviting hint at the garden landscape within.

▼景观与木质围栏起到了划分房屋边界的作用,The landscape architecture and the fence serve to re-negotiate boundary ©Mikiko Kikuyama 

▼精心设计的景观过道,The featured landscape walkway ©Mikiko Kikuyama 

▼庭院池塘,The pool ©Mikiko Kikuyama 

Landscape Architecture: SAW (Megumi Aihara, Sharon Ling, Avery Sell)
