九个门廊的房子 回溯西班牙南部小镇记忆


Gemma and Álvaro decide to build their first house after decades living in Belgium with the memory of their life in Catalonia and Asturias always present. They return to Andalusia, where he studied, seeking the life of a bright, peaceful southern town, close to Seville, where they can meet up again with old mutual friends.

▼项目外观概览,Overview of the exterior ©Fernando Alda


They acquire a 5×30 meter plot with a single facade facing almost north on the main street. The site is narrow and long, it is the result of the agricultural subdivisions that allowed the coexistence of the house with some building destined to the collection of farming tools or corrals.

▼一层室内空间概览,Overview of the first floor interior ©Fernando Alda


The program to be developed is modest; it is just a couple of bedrooms and some particularity, such as a room where both can enjoy a “hammam”, a place where Gemma can make prints and where she can have a small outdoor kitchen. They expect visits from friends and family from time to time whom they would like to host. They carry objects, books and paintings, traces of a lifetime, they also carry with them memories of having lived in intense places whose experience they would like to recover: a well and a tree, a patio, the southern light.

▼一层起居室及室外庭院,The living room and the courtyard on first floor ©Fernando Alda

▼起居室概览,The living room ©Fernando Alda


The proportions of the site and the agricultural memory of these plots suggest generating a space by repeating equidistant structural porticoes, which define bays that are built on one or two floors or are hollowed out to generate patios, providing a continuous space that nuances its functional and environmental characteristics.

▼轴侧分析图,Axonometric drawing ©Fernando Alda

通过这种方式,第一个入户露台花园创建了第一个序列,明确了内部空间基调与街道空间的区别。接着,主屋占据了三个门廊空间,另外一个门廊只剩下一个结构,以作为一个遮阳篷。两个门廊构成了南面的开放露台(设计师并未将其设计为西班牙传统的封闭式花园“hortus conclusus”)。

In this way, a sequence is created based on a first reception patio that clarifies the relationship with the street, then the main house occupies three bays, one more bay of which only the structure remains to formalize a shaded porch as a canopy, two bays that make up the patio to the south (rather a “hortus conclusus”) and a final volume that finishes off the site as a pavilion where you can paint and cook with friends.

▼庭院及客厅之间的“门廊”,The portico between the living room and the courtyard ©Fernando Alda

▼由庭院看向主屋,A view from the courtyard to the main house ©Fernando Alda


The roof of this last volume, lower than the rest of the house, is planted with different bushes getting continuation of the garden where the well and the tree that lived in Gemma’s memory take shape as a persimmon and a small pool whose emptying provides water for irrigation.

▼水池,The pool ©Fernando Alda


The house is open at the ends to two patios located to the north and south with a series of fans installed in each bay and a natural ventilation chimney located on the side of the middle bay, getting a cross breeze is achieved in all rooms that, together with the protection of the southern elevation with the canopy that will soon be covered with bignonias, alleviate the southern heat.

▼通向二楼的楼梯,The stairs that leads to the second floor ©Fernando Alda

▼位于二层的卧室,The bedroom on the second floor ©Fernando Alda

▼位于二层的走廊,The walkway on the second floor ©Fernando Alda


The metallic structure and the “almagra” color rhythm the space and configure a continuous reference. The standard frame sets the supports back from the dividing walls to avoid conflicts with the neighboring houses with load-bearing walls, and the resulting space between this structural line and the longitudinal boundaries is occupied by the equipment, the technical spaces and the storage of the home, creating two unequal lateral bands that thicken the limits of the house.

▼庭院夜景,Night view of of the courtyard ©Fernando Alda

▼主屋夜景,Night view of of the main house ©Fernando Alda


The house is shown to the street as a massive white construction, such as the first constructions of Castilleja that have been lost and replaced by colors and materials typical of the more commercial and immediate construction industry. A cornice-visor, a frieze, a balcony that extends over the street, the openwork wall and the door shutter from which to glimpse the patio-hall establish a syntax that refers to elements of popular architecture that facilitate the encounter between the private and public and help to build the street.

▼建筑及周边街景,The house and the street view ©Fernando Alda

▼实体模型,Handmade model ©sol89

▼一层平面图,Ground floor plan ©sol89

▼二层平面图,First floor plan ©sol89

▼三层平面图,Second floor plan ©sol89

▼纵向剖面图,Longitudinal section ©sol89

▼横向剖面图,Landscape section ©sol89

▼立面图,Elevation drawing ©sol89

▼建筑构造剖面图,Counstruction drawing ©sol89
