Located in the heart of Yokohama, Rokakubashi is a famous shopping district characterised by a strong modernist appearance, typical from the Showa Era (1926-1989). The buildings in the area share a relatively small size and compose a human-scale situation with the above-mentioned commercial units and the residential ones.
▼项目概览,overview ©Akira Nakamura
Given this context, the 60 year-old Rokukakubashi House stood out for its mint green outer wall and the decayed state in which it laid for quite some time.
▼建筑外观,exterior view ©Akira Nakamura
From the outside, the only notable change is the removal of the hut just outside the entrance door and the fence that delimited the property from the public street. These changes were meant to make the house more attractive from the outside. Additionally, the amount of interior natural light increased, making the space more bright and liveable.
▼入口空间,entrance ©Akira Nakamura
▼从厨房望向入口,view of entrance from the kitchen ©Akira Nakamura
▼看向厨房区域,view of the kitchen ©Akira Nakamura
▼布置后的厨房,kitchen with furnitures ©Akira Nakamura
Regarding the layout, both two levels removed their tatami mats in favour of a cushion floor below and a wooden one above. Furthermore, a closet has been removed from each room to enlarge the volume, though leaving a trace of it in the walls to highlight the renovation.
▼从卧室区看入口,view of the entrance from the bedroom ©Akira Nakamura
▼改造后的卧室区域,bedroom after renovation ©Akira Nakamura
▼保留改造痕迹,leaving a trace of original furniture ©Akira Nakamura
As opposed to the previous disposition, the new second floor benefits from a wider ambience feasible as a workspace or a temporary exhibition hall, according to needs.
▼二层空间概览,overview of the second floor ©Akira Nakamura
The dwelling has in fact been occupied by an artist, who used the room for hosting events with guests at times. That being said though, Rokukakubashi House remains a house suitable for various situations, thanks to its relatively flexible and open design.
▼二层楼梯口,stairs leading to the second floor ©Akira Nakamura
▼二层空间可用作开放工作室,view of the studio ©Akira Nakamura
▼工作区,study area ©Akira Nakamura
▼展示与储存区,display and storage area ©Akira Nakamura
▼书架细部,details ©Akira Nakamura
Since most of the existing elements have been kept in their place, to a certain degree it may appear more as a restoration project rather than a renovation. In fact, the peculiar mint green metal plates were still in a remarkably good state prior to the renovation, and a fresh coat of paint avoided their replacement. The same applies to the windows and the structure, with the latter one enduring really well in time despite being made of timber.
▼阳台,balcony ©Akira Nakamura
For the interiors instead, the modernization is much more direct especially due to the careful mix of original and new features. Starting from the first floor, the primitive frosted glass widespread in each room confers a warm atmosphere to the ambience. This distinctive material was used for the windows and the interior dividers as well. Hence, each room gains a specific atmosphere given by the particular light reflection that the multitude of textures and geometries can provide. Beside making each room unique, it also evokes the vintage air of the Showa Era to which Japan is still nowadays exceptionally attached.
▼磨砂玻璃隔墙,the primitive frosted glass ©Akira Nakamura
To slightly expand the volume, the ceiling on both floors has been removed, leaving the occasionally reinforced wooden structure exposed. The white-painted walls help to mitigate the dark presence of the timber, generating a pleasant chromatic contrast. The only rooms that have been entirely rebuilt are the bathroom and the toilet, which kept their size, but received a full renovation from the walls to the fixtures.
▼细部,details ©Akira Nakamura
▼改造前首层平面,the first floor plan before renovation © ROOVICE
▼改造后首层平面,the first floor plan after renovation © ROOVICE
▼改造前二层平面,the second floor plan before renovation © ROOVICE
▼改造后二层平面,the second floor plan after renovation © ROOVICE