墨西哥La Quinta度假屋 三个庭院,三种光影效果

La Quinta是一处位于墨西哥圣米格尔德阿连德的度假屋,设计师在考察场地时仔细考虑项目的需求,提出了尊重场地身份的解决策略。方案顺应原有肌理,保留了邻里高墙,这面墙也为划定边界和定义房屋中的灰空间发挥了重要作用。

La Quinta is a weekend house in San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato. After visiting the site and considering the requirements of the program, we reached the conclusion to respect the identity of the place, built context and height of the neighboring preexistent walls. This last played an important role and set the limits that would define the empty space contained in the house.

▼项目概览,overview ©Rafael Gamo

▼庭院视角,view from the courtyard ©Rafael Gamo

▼泳池庭院,courtyard with swimming pool ©Rafael Gamo

▼保留邻里高墙,the neighboring preexistent walls ©Rafael Gamo

▼墙体围合天空,the shape of sky ©Rafael Gamo


The distribution in the ground floor plan came from this concept, where there are no divisions or boundaries within the social space and the outdoor area. For a plan that works all the restrictions inwards and that has no views to the landscape, three voids were proposed in the form of patios; each one with a different character, use and program. These voids give the project its character, producing different perceptions of scale and light- shadow contrasts.

▼起居空间,living space ©Rafael Gamo

▼通高空间,double-height space ©Rafael Gamo

▼厨房,kitchen ©Rafael Gamo

▼卧室区,bedroom ©Rafael Gamo

▼楼梯通向二层,stairs leading to the second floor ©Rafael Gamo

▼二层视角,view on the second floor ©Rafael Gamo

▼屋顶露台,roof terrace ©Rafael Gamo

▼夜景泳池,night view of the pool ©Rafael Gamo

▼首层平面图,the ground floor plan ©PPAA

▼二层平面图,the second floor plan ©PPAA

▼屋顶平面图,the roof floor plan ©PPAA

▼剖面图,sections ©PPAA
