“不被绝大多数买家抗拒”的房子 / 得当设计


Jing House is a garden house, located on the busy Wanhangdu Road in Shanghai, adjacent to the core business district of JingAn Temple. At the end of 2019, when the owner came to us with the idea of renovating this old house, it was not far from the ravage of novel coronavirus in China. In the design renovation of the following year, the word of epidemic never left the design discussion with the owner, which gave the natural area of the project a certain particularity.

▼项目外观,External view of the project ©沙鹏

▼静园坐落在车水马龙的静安寺核心商圈, Jing House is located in the busy JingAn Temple core business circle ©沙鹏


Of course, the particularity of this project is far from such, this is the transformation of an old garden house, more precisely, it is an old garden house sales model experiment. The owner wants to obtain a greater market value and premium space for this old house in its subsequent sale through the design renovation. So JingYuan transformation is actually a product of the building, and the house of the actual user “help wanted”, also make the design a bit abstract, we can only imagine who might become the owner of such a large house and such “imaginary” also become one of the most interesting place, it has no specification, we need to stand in the origin, challenges across from 0 to 1. Faced with such an open proposition, we adopted an “open” strategy, with an open mind and means, to create a house “not resisted by the vast majority of buyers”.

▼改造前后(从院外看),Before and after renovation (viewed from outside the hospital) ©左:得当设计,右:沙鹏


For a design task that needs to be completed without clear usage requirements, the operation of the design actually needs to be extremely careful, because the individual experience of the designer will from time to time occupy the whole design derivation, breaking the balance between subjective and objective. In fact, the whole design process is a process of constant hand-to-hand combat between “I think” and “the market thinks”.

▼改造前后(从院内看),Before and after reconstruction (viewed from inside the hospital) ©左:得当设计,右:沙鹏


Open Plane: Implementing polysemy scenarios is possible


The flexibility and vagueness of the functional layout seem to be an inevitable response to the lack of access to specific life needs. In fact, the polysemy of future life scenes has also become an important way of life, and the deterministic function of the room has been replaced by the flexible scene of the space.

▼静园分层轴测,Hierarchical axonometry of JING house ©得当设计


On the first floor, we connect the living room, dining room and western kitchen in an open way, turning it into a separable and integrated public space.

▼一层平面改造前后,Before and after the plane reconstruction of the first floor ©得当设计

▼一层客餐厅+西厨的联通空间,The first floor guest restaurant + western kitchen space ©沙鹏

▼餐厅与厨房,Dining space and kitchen ©沙鹏


On the second floor we turned the central room into a living room and connected it to the second floor terrace to form a family room

▼二层平面改造前后,Before and after the renovation of the second floor plan ©得当设计

▼二层起居室,Second floor living room ©沙鹏


On the third floor, the concept of a room is completely eliminated, and the configuration of a cloakroom is abandoned, creating a “big master bedroom” that cuts across east and west, and can be easily handled if it is used as an office in the future.

▼三层平面改造前后,Before and after the transformation of the third floor ©得当设计

▼三层“大主卧”,Third Floor “Big Master Bedroom” ©沙鹏


Even faces for substantially modified structure, we also insisted on the operation of plane polysemy, because “open” is a flexible strategy, it implements the tolerance of space plasticity, in a delicate balance between the concrete and abstract, in the form of vague, loose, space, created a lot of extending the “interface” rather than “result”, let more be imagined to be living and working here.

▼一层空间被打通的过程,The process of opening the first floor space ©得当设计


Open facade: Embrace the sun and the outdoors as much as possible.


The old garden house is a special product of the combination of Chinese and Western elements after Shanghai opened its port. It reached its peak after the expansion of the concession in the 1920s. This kind of detached garden house is a mysterious and distinguished existence in today’s Shanghai. However, despite such an aristocratic pedigree, it was still limited by the construction standards at the beginning of the last century. The brick and wood structural system made it face the disadvantages of the old house: poor lighting and closed space. Therefore, opening the facade to gain more light and landscape has become an important part of the “open” design strategy.

▼客餐厅的温暖阳光,Warm sunshine in the guest dining room ©沙鹏


The original window wall facade system of the living room on the first floor has been opened to become a large area of floor-to-ceiling glass sliding door, which has a more intimate relationship with the courtyard. As the core element of the old Western-style house, the garden can be more fully perceived and experienced in this intimate relationship. A pool was designed outside the floor window of the restaurant, and the preserved osmanthus trees together, becoming a scene of the restaurant.

▼室内室外“亲密”的关系,Indoor and outdoor “intimate” relationships ©沙鹏

▼餐厅的落地窗与水池和桂花树的对景,Floor-to-ceiling Windows in the dining room opposite the pool and osmanthus trees ©沙鹏

▼餐厅看水池和桂花树的对景, The dining room looks across the pond and osmanthus trees ©沙鹏


Throughout the renovation, the standard grid old Shanghai garden houses steel window does not appear in the final floor plan, but rather a large Windows of aluminum-clad wood. Thus we struggle, still think blindly label to restore old garden houses culture symbol, at the expense of the indoor and outdoor landscape and vision to connect appear a gender, is a pyrrhic thing, to our delight, the results of the present also won the most potential buyers to visit the recognition.

▼三层主卧充足的阳光, The third floor master bedroom gets plenty of sunlight ©沙鹏

▼通透的铝包木大幅玻璃窗,Transparent aluminum-clad large glass window ©沙鹏


Open top: Full display of charming historical expression


The value of old garden house besides congenital lot advantage, mostly is to condense in its historical accumulation, buy an old garden house to be collecting an antiquarian more actually. Our renovation always envisaged that the house would become a museum, a memoir, so the whole design was very curatorial. From this point of view, the top of the old house is actually rich in “scalable”, after many times over the years of decoration, and the top has been dusty in various ceiling, although lost the right to speak, but also from disturbance and invasion.

▼改造完之后还保留着的很多老房子的“历史表情”,Many “historical expressions” of old houses are still retained after renovation ©沙鹏


In the night when the indoor light is bright, stand quietly in the garden pool side, look up to the house, you can see the top of the different processing: the condole of the first layer with triangular rib structure to the old beam frame to do suggestive implicit expression, lamp belt and curtain box are also brought into this system; The living room on the second floor, the top beam frame is completely exposed, and even carefully preserved some broken gaps, which are the historical expressions with stories, worthy of being seen by later generations for a while; Because the wooden beams of the roof are too complex, most of the top surface of the third floor is encapsulated by the suspended ceiling, but in the middle position, the clean double-slope roof structure is exposed, and the main beam in the center is also presented in the way of slicing, revealing a static historical tension.

▼每一层对于吊顶的不同处理,Different treatment of the ceiling for each floor ©沙鹏

▼一层客厅吊顶的细部构造和灯带亮起过程,The detail structure of the suspended ceiling of the first floor living room and the process of the light belt lighting up ©得当设计


The skylight has also become an important way to open the roof. The two skylights opened by the roof, one to look at the sky and the other to look at the chimney, are the dramatic presentation of the historical landscape in daily life.

▼三层的屋顶与天窗,Three-story roof with skylights ©沙鹏


Open profile: enabling the placement of system technology

我们可能已经不得不面对一个现实 ,就是光光守着历史表情怀想从前,是无法满足当代生活对于便利性和舒适性的理性需求的,而这也成了横亘在老洋房改造前的一个技术挑战。我们就好像做精密的外科手术一样,将老洋房脆弱老朽的体肤剖开,小心翼翼地将中央空调、新风、净水、地暖、电梯、全屋智能等设备系统置入这个已经耄耋之年的老房子。这是一件颇有难度的事情,当然也值得冒险,因为这脱胎换骨,老房子能如获新生。

We may already have to face the reality that the rational needs for convenience and comfort of contemporary life cannot be satisfied simply by holding on to the historical expression and thinking about the past, and this has become a technical challenge before the renovation of old houses. Like a delicate surgical operation, we cut open the fragile old body and skin of the old house, and carefully put the equipment systems such as central air conditioning, fresh air, water purification, floor heating, elevator and whole house intelligence into the old house, which is now over 80 years old. It’s a difficult thing to do, but it’s also worth to risk, because it’s so transformative, and the old house can be reborn.

A layer of wet floor heating (left), Elevator steel structure well + various system piping (right) ©得当设计


Standing in the yard, I can control the mobile phone APP in my hand. In front of my eyes, the old house is “obedient” to be controlled by lights, air conditioning, curtains, shading, monitoring… This is a very powerful intelligent life experience. In fact, what we have given this old house is the ability and confidence to carry the life in the future.

▼智能窗帘, Smart Curtain

▼电梯,The elevator ©沙鹏


By the end of 2020, the renovation of the house, which took nine months to complete, was quite efficient. In this year of the global epidemic, the house, like the whole human world, has undergone a self-examination and transformation. In this metamorphosis, we do not advocate “repair old as old” completely restore, also do not advocate “makeover” completely overturn, but a connection between the past and the next handover, this is a kind of open state, the beginning of a sequel, to be predetermined people pick up a pen and then write down. It is like standing on the third-floor terrace, facing south to see the chimney and the skyscraper, the scene of historical transfer and dialogue, warm and profound.

▼老房子的烟囱与城市的摩天楼之间的历史对话,The historical dialogue between the chimneys of old houses and the skyscrapers of the city ©沙鹏

项目名称:静园JING HOUSE老洋房改造

Project Name: Old garden Houses renovation in JING HOUSE
Space category: garden house residence
Project area: Jingan District, Shanghai
Floor area: indoor 466 square meters, outdoor 200 square meters
Designer: 得当设计 DEDANG DESIGN
Architecture and interior design: Wang Junfeng, Ji Jingning, Jiang Wenchao, Liu Zhangjin, Liang Baolei
Structural design consultant: Wang Liu
Construction drawing design: Suzhou space planning studio
Construction unit: Shanghai Langguan Decoration Design Engineering Co., Ltd
Project Manager: Song Jian
Photography is by Sha Peng
Video: Wang Zhu

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