Sanayi313 Architects是一家位于伊斯坦布尔的跨学科设计工作室,近日完成了家纺品牌Anim的新展厅的室内设计。项目名为Anim之家,面积125平方米,位于伊斯坦布尔历史排屋的一间双层公寓内,建筑本身由奥斯曼帝国时期的建筑师Sarkis Balyan在Sultan Abdulaziz的命令下于1874年设计建造。Sanayi313 Architects的设计利用了空间本身的居住特征,创造了一个比起展厅,更像是私人住宅的空间。
Sanayi313 Architects, the Istanbul based multi-disciplinary design studio, has revealed the interiors of a new showroom for home textile brand Anim. The 125sqm space, called Anim House, occupies a duplex apartment in one of the historical Istanbul Row Houses constructed by Ottoman imperial architect Sarkis Balyan on the orders of Sultan Abdulaziz in 1874. The design by Sanayi313 Architects plays on the residential nature of the space and feels more like a private residence than a showroom.
▼更像是住宅的展厅,showroom more like a residential house ©Cihan Öncü
Sanayi313 Architects和Anim创始人Mina Dilber Temo合作,后者在洛杉矶生活五年后回到了家乡伊斯坦布尔,并于2019年创立了自己的品牌,将家族丰富的家纺传统和她所喜爱的西海岸文化结合在了一起。
Sanayi313 Architects worked with Anim’s founder Mina Dilber Temo, who after spending half a decade in Los Angeles, returned to her hometown of Istanbul in 2019 to launch her brand, combining her family’s extensive textile heritage with the West Coast culture she had come to love.
▼品牌logo,brand’s logo ©Cihan Öncü
为了反映品牌提倡的生活方式,Sanayi313 Architects为展厅赋予完整的生活概念,在空间中设置了厨房、起居和餐厅区域。楼上,事务所创造了一间卧室和更衣室,以及一间家庭工作室,面向景色优美的露台打开。 展厅室内设计的灵感来自品牌本身的美学:以真材实料和明亮温暖的色彩体现精致、乐观的生活态度。设计使用了一系列自然材料和颜色亮丽的织物,结合简单的几何形式和精美的细节,呈现出每个房间中展示产品的细腻质感。
To reflect the lifestyle brand’s ethos Sanayi313 Architects have envisioned the showroom as a full living concept and the space features a kitchen, living and dining areas. Upstairs, the studio created a bedroom and dressing room as well as a home-office which opens up onto a beautiful terrace. The interiors of the showroom are inspired by the brand’s aesthetic – a refined, optimistic view on life, characterised by authentic materials and bright, warm colours. A mixture of natural materials and textures in eye-catching colour combinations sit alongside simple geometry and fine details to reflect the tactility of the products displayed in each of the rooms.
▼色彩明亮的空间,space with bright colors ©Cihan Öncü
一层设有一间定制的厨房,上方是开放的搁架,下方为橱柜和抽屉,既可以作为展厅的厨房,也可以当做零售空间使用。 厨房挡板覆盖白色、黄色、橙色和棕色的传统装饰瓷砖,与密斯·凡·德罗设计的MR10座椅相映成辉。
On the ground floor, a custom-made kitchen features open shelves on top and cabinets and drawers below that function both as the showroom’s kitchen and also practically as a retail space. Traditional decorative tiles in white, yellow, orange and brown adorn the kitchen’s splashback alongside a vintage MR10 Chair designed by Mies van der Rohe.
▼厨房,kitchen ©Cihan Öncü
▼展架,也可用作零售商品展示,shelves, also can be used for retails ©Cihan Öncü
餐厅区,Hans J. Wegner设计的CH33P座椅围绕定制的石灰石餐桌布置。此外,空间中还设置了Sanayi313 Architects设计的一对10313坐凳,采用定制的橙色,专为Anim之家制作。
In the dining area, CH33P Chairs by Hans J. Wegner surround a custom-made limestone table and extra seating is provided by a pair of 10313 Stools by Sanayi313 Architects customised in a bespoke orange colour created especially for Anim House.
▼餐厅区,dining area ©Cihan Öncü
展厅的起居室内,一把古典的Pierre Chapo S10安乐椅和一张舒适的沙发围绕长方形玻璃面茶几摆放,沙发上铺有Anim生产的白色土耳其棉垫。楼上的卧室设有倾斜的天花,配以定做的搁架,形成充足的展示空间。一张藤条双人床则成为了皮牌床品最好的展示窗口。
A vintage Pierre Chapo S10 Easy Chair and a comfortable sofa covered in white Turkish Cotton from Anim’s fabric collection surround a rectangular glass top coffee table in the showroom’s living room. Upstairs the bedroom features a slanted ceiling with custom shelves that provide plenty of practical display space, while a rattan double bed is the perfect showcase for the brand’s bedding collection.
▼起居室,设有古典躺椅,living room with vintage easy chair ©Cihan Öncü
▼白色沙发和玻璃茶几,white sofa and glass top coffee table ©Cihan Öncü
▼二层展区,display area on the upper floor ©Cihan Öncü
▼卧室和更衣室,bedroom and dressing room ©Cihan Öncü
▼随倾斜的天花设置的展架,customized shelves following the slanted ceiling ©Cihan Öncü
▼充足的展示空间,plenty of display space ©Cihan Öncü
整个展厅中布满了设计史中的经典家具,包括Jean Prouvé的标准SP座椅,Achille Castiglioni为Zanotta设计的Leonardo桌,以及Achille和Pier Giacomo Castiglioni设计的Mezzadro凳子等等。
The entire showroom is peppered with design classics, including the Jean Prouvé Standard SP Chair, Leonardo Desk by Achille Castiglioni for Zanotta and Mezzadro Stool by Achille and Pier Giacomo Castiglioni.
▼家庭工作室,home-studio ©Cihan Öncü
在白色石材覆盖的室外露台中,一对由Hannah Morrison为Knoll设计的古典Sling躺椅创造了一个舒适的空间。墙砖上的艺术作品灵感来自西班牙建筑师Antonio Bonet Castellana设计的项目。这里,人们可以在艺术的环绕下享受伊斯坦布尔的明媚阳光。
Outside on the white stone-covered terrace, a pair of vintage Sling Lounge Chairs by Hannah Morrison for Knoll provide a comfortable area to enjoy the Istanbul sunshine surrounded by a custom artwork on the wall tiles inspired by the work of Spanish architect Antonio Bonet Castellana.
▼露台,terrace ©Cihan Öncü
Sanayi313 Architects的大多数项目中,艺术都扮演了重要的角色,Anim之家里也不例外。Miro和法国画家Genevieve Claisse的重要画作和土耳其艺术家Mehmet Ogut和Erol Akyavas的作品摆放在一起,为空间增光添彩。
As with the majority of Sanayi313 Architects’ projects, art plays an important role in the design of Anim House, and here, important works by Miro and French painter Genevieve Claisse sit alongside artworks by Turkish artists Mehmet Ogut and Erol Akyavas.
▼点缀空间的艺术作品,artworks decorating the space ©Cihan Öncü
Anim House presents a relaxed and calming shopping experience akin to visiting the house of a stylish friend rather than visiting a traditional showroom and is a perfect showcase for Anim’s luxe-casual aesthetic.
▼细部,details ©Cihan Öncü