

The location of the project is on Liuxian Avenue in the Nanshan District of Shenzhen, China. It is a newly constructed slab home with 153 square meters of floor space and a reinforced concrete structure. The proprietors are a youthful couple and the female owner’s mother.

▼室内空间一览,Overview of interior space © 谭啸

Philosophy of design


The purpose of design is to establish the optimal environment for life’s essentials. The individual is always the focal point of the space.
We analyze the owner’s living requirements based on the space’s ambiance and a thorough examination of proportion, material, and light. We present the proprietor with the simplest and most tranquil space.
Because we believe that uncomplicated living and open space are scarce resources in the modern metropolis!

▼改造前后平面图,plan before and after renovation © 傅俣迪



Prior to remodeling:
153 square meters of area divided into four rooms. The function distribution is even, the rooms are short and monotonous, and the movement line is a single line.

After remodeling:
1. relocated the original kitchen from the left side of the entry to the right side of the entrance, and opened a window to enable proper ventilation. The original kitchen was relocated to an open corridor with access to the master bedroom and living area.
2. The west kitchen cabinet and the shoe cabinet behind it are utilized to divide the entry area from the interior space, providing a sufficient buffer from the outdoor space to the internal space. and the tunnels on both sides broaden the range of space movement
3. combining the two rooms in the top left corner of the floor plan as the owner’s bedroom, and establishing two separate routes to the living room and the entry hallway;

▼模型概览图,Overview of model © 傅俣迪



The open foyer guarantees that the senses are open when arriving via the front entrance. The front shoe cabinet serves practical purposes while also protecting privacy. The terrazzo prefabricated slab floor is the owner’s reminiscence of his boyhood house. The soft film strip + mirror on the ceiling visually doubles the entry area. The entire entry area serves as a buffer for the transition of outside space into inside space, as well as an important functional space for the owner’s living storage needs.

▼玄关, Porch © 谭啸


The disc in front of the shoe cabinet was originally a brass hanging ornament of “Writing Space,” but we cut it in half and fashioned it into a handle for the shoe cabinet. It boosts its practical function and floorability while preserving its own effect.

▼玄关鞋柜, Porch Shoe cupboard © 谭啸

Dining room


The dining room is the most significant room in the house. The dining area is positioned behind the entryway, divided by a stone kitchen cabinet, and the entire mood is meant to be simple and natural. Designer: Steve Lechot created the dining room’s ceiling. The polyester material contrasts sharply with the stone of the kitchen cabinetry.

▼餐厅,Dining room © 谭啸

▼餐厅细部,Details of dining room © 谭啸

墙面是艺术家 周范的作品:《听得见蝉鸣的夜晚》。希望可以在喧闹的钢铁森林,找到蝉鸣,找到自在。

“A Night to Hear the Cicadas” is the work of artist Zhou Fan. I’m hoping to discover the chirping cicadas and feel at comfortable in the loud steel jungle.

▼从餐厅看客厅,Living room (view from dining room) © 谭啸

Living room


The living room is the typical space where the family interacts and does not want to be restricted by excessive furniture and decorating. What we seek is aesthetic enjoyment over a longer length of time. ” as poor as Job ” may be an appropriate state of being. Living in such an environment allows you to escape the city’s commotion and job strain. It is the owner’s most self-contained place.

▼客厅,Living room © 谭啸

▼客厅细部,Details of living room © 谭啸

▼从客厅看卫生间,Bathroom (view from living room) © 谭啸

▼洗手台,Details of sink © 谭啸

Master bedroom

主卧室是将两个房间打通合并成一个房间。在横梁之下是VITSOE的置物架。天花两侧向下放坡,在业主的家中打造一个小房子。应业主要求,在保证储物功能的前提下尽量减少不可变动的硬装造型,整体空间以家具搭配作为主要手段。 这样家具的每次变换,都可以给生活,给家居环境带来新的惊喜

The master bedroom combines two rooms into one. VITSOE’s shelves are located beneath the beams. The ceiling dips down on both sides of the owner’s house, forming a little dwelling. The owner requested that the unchangeable hard-fitting forms be decreased while retaining the storage function, and that the overall area be outfitted with furniture as the primary way. As a result, each change of furniture may provide fresh surprises to life and the home atmosphere.

▼主卧室,Master bedroom © 谭啸

▼从客厅看主卧室,Master bedroom (view from living room) © 谭啸

▼主卧室床头,Head of bed in master bedroom © 谭啸

▼主卧室床尾,End of bed in master bedroom © 谭啸

▼家具细部,Details of furniture © 谭啸

▼卫生间,Bathroom © 谭啸

项目地址:深圳市 南山区
摄影版权:谭啸 、宋韵怡
合作方:造型置景 贺宁
材料:墙面涂料:麦兰德漆;定制柜体:简木家居;Laminam岩板; 地面材料:感物木地板;龟一水磨石;SLEEK斯李克门窗;亨特窗帘

  • 2023-06-15
  • 作者:Masaaki Iwamoto Laboratory
  • 7 0