NIU住宅系列续作 与周围环境融为一体


The NIU project arose as a way to innovate on construction systems, seeking to increase precision in the materialization of architecture and, through these solutions, to improve the quality of human environments, making them more sustainable and healthier.


In NIU’s systematized architecture, each N290 is the same and at the same time different from the rest. The adaptation of the model to their landscape makes them unique. Its insertion into the topography, in this case over a slope, leads the project to an accommodation of an access staircase that becomes a project in itself. The house saves and circumvents the imposing pine trees that characterize the house.

▼项目坐落在山坡上,the house is located on the slope ©Jesús Orrico

▼入口台阶,entrance staircase ©Jesús Orrico



The configuration of the house is made around a central courtyard, which reminds us of an impluvium. Four pieces with the same morphology, open on the long sides and closed on the short sides, are radially intertwined generating four outdoor spaces with different characters. An exterior space for the day area, another for the kitchen, an exterior space related to the bedrooms and another that functions as a pedestrian entrance area.

▼顶视图,top view ©Jesús Orrico

▼泳池顶视图,top view of the pool ©Jesús Orrico


The building envelope is materialized by a piece of extruded aluminum. The metallic sheen of the aluminum helps to integrate the house to its surroundings as it adopts the tones of the garden around it and its appearance is modified during the day, as the temperature of the light changes.

▼外观概览,overall of appearance ©Jesús Orrico

▼泳池一侧立面,facade of the pool side ©Jesús Orrico

▼泳池细部,details of the pool ©Jesús Orrico

▼厨房一侧的户外空间,outdoor space of the kitchen side ©Jesús Orrico

▼卧室一侧的户外空间,outdoor space of the bedroom side ©Jesús Orrico

▼中央庭院,central patio ©Jesús Orrico


The interior spaces of the house extend to the exterior, with exactly the same dimension, like a carpet that gives continuity to the spatial sequence. Thus, the habitable volume is extended and only the shade and the climate control will tell us whether we are inside or outside.

▼客厅,living room ©Jesús Orrico

▼客厅细部,details of the living room ©Jesús Orrico

▼厨房,kitchen ©Jesús Orrico

▼厨房面向户外餐厅,kitchen facing to the outdoor dining area ©Jesús Orrico

▼由玄关大厅看中庭,viewing the patio from the hall ©Jesús Orrico

▼卧室,bedroom ©Jesús Orrico

▼浴室,bathroom ©Jesús Orrico


We are fascinated by the sensation this evokes when we implement each house with this system, the result is simultaneously identical and unique.

▼室外夜景,night views ©Jesús Orrico

▼泳池夜景,night view of the pool ©Jesús Orrico

▼天井夜景,night view of the patio ©Jesús Orrico

▼不同类型的N290模型,different models of the N290 ©Jesús Orrico



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