项目位于米兰的Città Studi,这栋底层架空式建筑建于1971年,由建筑师Giovanni Mistretta设计。公寓内部宽敞明亮,视野所及是米兰理工大学的校园风景。从室内空间的上层可俯瞰整个通高空间。
In a building on pilotis, built in 1971 in Città Studi in Milano on a project by architect Giovanni Mistretta, a wide living, with views of the Polytechnic of Milan, is characterized by a central square double levels portion overlooked by the upper floor.
▼项目概览,overview ©Omar Sartor
▼通高中庭,the double-level spaces ©Omar Sartor
Our work creates a visual and physical link between the two spaces through a thin e rigorous pattern made of chestnut solid wood, which draws the environment and fulfils several needs: in the living room it is the backbone of an openable glass wall which allows the communication between the dining area and the kitchen; along the stairs it becomes a railing and then, at the upper floor, it turns into a balcony equipped with shelves.
▼木格栅作为玻璃墙的骨架,the openable glass wall ©Omar Sartor
The sofa, a wooden light platform, marks the walls opposed to the glass window and altrernates Kvadrat fabric upholstery and free wooden surfaces.
▼客厅空间,living space ©Omar Sartor
▼客厅家具,furnitures ©Omar Sartor
The kitchen, marked out by a wide sink in Dekton, silently integrates with the the space and the bespoke chestnut handles mention the wooden beams of the rest of the furniture.
▼透过玻璃隔断回望客厅,view of the living space through the glass ©Omar Sartor
▼厨房,the kitchen ©Omar Sartor
▼厨房细部,details of the kitchen ©Omar Sartor
The upper floor environment, node between common spaces and the night area, is conceived as a wide studio characterized by a desk all along the wall, equipped with drawers, intersecting a bespoke daybed.
▼上层空间,the upper floor environment ©Omar Sartor
▼书桌与床,desk and the bed ©Omar Sartor
▼从二层俯瞰空间,view of the living space from the second floor ©Omar Sartor
▼家具细部,details ©Omar Sartor