

In a consolidated urban mesh, at the center of Ponta Delgada, the approach answers to a program of an extremely small single family house with two flights, where the lower floor accommodates a single social area, while the two small bedrooms are located at the upper floor.

▼项目概览,Preview © Ivo Tavares Studio

▼项目是一座双层独栋住宅,A double-floor single family house © Ivo Tavares Studio

▼住宅和周边环境鸟瞰,Aerial view to the house and its context © Ivo Tavares Studio


With only 4.20 meters at the front, with no space for urban pedestrian circulation space, the facade results in the child’s imaginary of a house drawing… one door and one window. In that sense, the main facade is exclusively the boundary between interior and exterior, with no reason for a relation between both,  besides being in its way.

▼沿街立面,Front facade © Ivo Tavares Studio

▼入口,Entrance © Ivo Tavares Studio


The program develops without the need of transitioning or dividing spaces. The only social space of the house gains dimension in its depth when it finds the garden at the end of the space. The garden establishes the balance with the house and the private addition at the end of the lot. At the upper floor, the East Bedroom gets a terrace, from which you can visualize the houses that make the urban form, so characteristic of the neighborhood.

▼花园,Garden © Ivo Tavares Studio

▼首层入口区域,Entrance area on the ground floor © Ivo Tavares Studio

▼一体化的社交空间,The single social space © Ivo Tavares Studio © Ivo Tavares Studio

▼室内细节,Interior detailed view © Ivo Tavares Studio

▼餐厨区,Kitchen and dining area © Ivo Tavares Studio

▼楼梯,Staircase © Ivo Tavares Studio

▼楼梯细节,Detailed view © Ivo Tavares Studio

▼二层交通空间,Circulation area © Ivo Tavares Studio

▼二层设有两间卧室,Bedrooms © Ivo Tavares Studio

▼室内细节,Interior details © Ivo Tavares Studio

▼浴室,Bathroom © Ivo Tavares Studio


The necessity to simulate a greater spatial amplitude is made possible by the skylights in the pitched roof, which receives the light and spreads it throughout the interior spaces, working as a ” diaphragm”, increasing the “vertical perspective”.

▼从室内望向天窗,View to the skylights © Ivo Tavares Studio

▼俯瞰天窗,Aerial view from outside © Ivo Tavares Studio

▼露台,Terrace © Ivo Tavares Studio

▼夜晚,从花园望向室内,View from the garden by night © Ivo Tavares Studio

▼夜景局部,A close view to the house by night © Ivo Tavares Studio

▼轴测图,Axon © BOX arquitectos

▼一层平面图,Plan 1F © BOX arquitectos

▼二层平面图,Plan 2F © BOX arquitectos

▼屋顶平面图,Roof plan © BOX arquitectos
