Casal Saloio de Outeiro de Polima是少数几个记录这片土地最初使用情况的例子之一。这是一个古旧而简陋的乡村房屋,随着时间的推移经历了不断的变化和扩建,直到现在变为一个博物

Casal Saloio de Outeiro de Polima是少数几个记录这片土地最初使用情况的例子之一。这是一个古旧而简陋的乡村房屋,随着时间的推移经历了不断的变化和扩建,直到现在变为一个博物馆空间。

The Casal Saloio de Outeiro de Polima is one of the few examples that document the first occupations of this territory. It is an old and humble rural house that has undergone successive changes and expansions over time until it is now transformed into a museum space.

▼建筑远眺,distant view of the architecture © Archive Miguel Marcelino (photo by Lourenço T. Abreu)

▼庭院概览,overview of the courtyard © Archive Miguel Marcelino (photo by Lourenço T. Abreu)


In its genesis it was just a simple compartment, then it gained an annex room, then a side wing, a stone oven, the corral and the second floor, and again more other annexes. At one point two buttresses were added to contain structural problems. The constructive logic has always been that of informality and the mere supply of needs.

▼原始状态,original state of the house © Archive Miguel Marcelino

▼建筑入口,entrance of the building © Archive Miguel Marcelino (photo by Lourenço T. Abreu)

▼扩建部分与原始建筑相交,the expansion intersect with original part © Archive Miguel Marcelino (photo by Lourenço T. Abreu)

▼室内概览,overall of the room © Archive Miguel Marcelino (photo by Lourenço T. Abreu)

▼入口内部,entrance interior © Archive Miguel Marcelino (photo by Lourenço T. Abreu)

▼室内展览空间,interior exhibition area © Archive Miguel Marcelino (photo by Lourenço T. Abreu)

▼室内一角,corner of the room © Archive Miguel Marcelino (photo by Lourenço T. Abreu)

▼改造保留了原始建筑最后可识别的元素,renovation remains original’s last recognizable configuration © Archive Miguel Marcelino (photo by Lourenço T. Abreu)


With so many layers of transformations, it was decided to consolidate the old rural house in its last recognizable configuration, being able to read its evolution through the broken and uneven geometry. The new expansion consists of two new volumes intersecting in an L, forming a courtyard with the existing set and adopting a similar shape and scale, continuing, now in the XXI century, the logic of successive expansions and intersections that characterize it.

▼楼梯间概览,overview of the stairwell © Archive Miguel Marcelino (photo by Lourenço T. Abreu)

▼楼梯细部,detail of the stair © Archive Miguel Marcelino (photo by Lourenço T. Abreu)

▼建筑夜景,night view of the house © Archive Miguel Marcelino (photo by Lourenço T. Abreu)

▼模型照片,model © Archive Miguel Marcelino

▼总平面图,site plan © Archive Miguel Marcelino

▼平面图,plans © Archive Miguel Marcelino

▼立面图,elevation © Archive Miguel Marcelino

▼剖面图,section © Archive Miguel Marcelino

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