Ronda之家 无菌空间美学


The home is an exercise of limited resources, in which the reduction of spatial, material and technological solutions allows the maximum flexibility of use. In response to the ever-changing uncertainty we currently live in as a society, the project, the renovation of an existing 85m2 apartment, is conceived as an open and undefined system capable of functioning as a backdrop to whoever inhabits it. A propositional system, not a limiting one.

▼项目概览,overview of the project © Luis Diaz Diaz


The home distances itself from fixed and conventional distributions through the linkage of a series rooms that are programmatically generic but spatially specific. With this, the home is able to respond to the demands of a contemporary living and not market driven logics.

▼通用的功能空间,a series rooms that are programmatically generic © Luis Diaz Diaz


Spatially, the project is resolved through an asymmetric grid that organizes and articulates the given space. Each room, of rectangular proportions, is connected with each other through a series of large, central apertures, creating a spatial enfilade that communicates all spaces and establishes a visual continuity amplifying the space whilst diluting its use limits.

▼一组中央门洞串联起所有空间,a series of central apertures that communicates all spaces © Luis Diaz Diaz

▼视觉上的连续性,a visual continuity © Luis Diaz Diaz

▼门洞淡化了空间的限制,central apertures that dilute spatial use limits © Luis Diaz Diaz

▼门洞近景,close view of the central aperture © Luis Diaz Diaz


The project’s material palette is direct and bare. The floor, made out of epoxy resin, erases any sense of scale while the ceiling, rough and cavernous, presents itself ornamentally baroque as a result of the splashed plaster’s imprecision. The cooking area, covered in mirrors, simply disappears.

▼不加修饰的材料配色,bare material palette © Luis Diaz Diaz

▼天花板细部,details of the ceiling © Luis Diaz Diaz

▼烹饪区,the cooking area © Luis Diaz Diaz

▼厨房台面近景,a close view of the kitchen countertop © Luis Diaz Diaz

▼厨房台面细部,details of the kitchen countertop © Luis Diaz Diaz


Even though the project’s aesthetics could be de- scribed as aseptic, recalling Colomina’s analogies between the Modern Movement and 20th century pandemics, the project’s interior architecture is reduced not as a response to newly defined sanitary standards but social ones. An ambiguous system capable of serving the inhabitant it receives, without projecting fixed and immovable living definitions.

▼浴室,bathroom © Luis Diaz Diaz

▼平面图, floor plan  © HANGHAR

▼家具布置1, furniture plan 1 © HANGHAR

▼家具布置2, furniture plan 2 © HANGHAR

▼家具布置3, furniture plan 3 © HANGHAR

▼轴测图,axon  © HANGHAR
